Congratulations! You are now the proud parent of an adorable little kitten or puppy! From a gender reveal to a thorough once-over, the next step after adoption is scheduling your new pet’s first well-check exam.
During their initial wellness visit, several areas will be covered. While specifics may vary for kittens and puppies, both receive a comprehensive physical exam, vaccinations, screenings, microchipping and the first dose of flea and tick preventatives. Puppies will also receive a heartworm preventative.
During your kitten or puppy’s physical exam, we will talk with you about their general health and growth. We’ll answer your questions and estimate how big your pet may get with proper care and nutrition.
Like newborn babies, kittens and puppies still have developing immune systems. This means they are more susceptible to disease, and therefore, certain vaccinations are required at specific stages of development. Our veterinarians will review which vaccines are necessary for your pet and provide them during the visit.
Intestinal parasite screenings for both kittens and puppies are another routine part of a well-check. Worms are common in both, and they can make your sweet friend sick and weak. But fear not! We check for these parasites and treat them accordingly if needed.
At the first visit, if your pet isn’t already microchipped, we will recommend it. This permanent identifier means your pet has a good chance of being returned to you if he or she should ever get lost.
Your pets will also leave our clinic after their initial visit protected from fleas, ticks, and heartworms for pups. We will provide the first preventative dose while showing you how to do it too.
Finally, we will talk in-depth about your new pet’s individual needs, from nutrition to playtime to stimulation and more.